End of an Era: Introduction

Hello again everyone!

Somehow, it is already July. Where did the first six months of this year go? Anyway, I’m going to kick off this new month with a brand new series for you.

This morning, it hit me that I am about to embark on my final year of university. In under a year’s time, this long and difficult journey will be over, and next July, I will be graduating. It has been such an incredible experience, in spite of all of the stress, and I am finally in the home stretch.

Because of this, I have decided to start a series of posts which will record my feelings at different stages throughout the year ahead, with a few stories and photos thrown in. In a way, I guess this will be a sort of countdown to the end of my time at uni, and potentially the end of my time in education, so I have given it the title “End of an Era.”

There will be no real scheduling to these posts, but I will try and post at least once a month if I can.

That’s it for today. You guys can follow me on all of social media on the links in the table below for updates from me and to know whenever a new post goes up. I also invite you to comment if you want to have your say on anything I post about.

Until next time, keep active, keep smiling, and above all else, keep believing.
