Life Updates 3

Welcome along to my latest life updates post. As usual, it will be divided into sections about my placement, my blogging and any other news I want to share with you. Hope you enjoy!

Placement Year

So, three weeks in and I’m beginning to really settle in to my placement year. My routines are beginning to fall into place, despite the fact that I still find getting up in the morning a struggle! After three weeks, I’m now starting to feel part of the team. Working in a friendly environment has really helped me to engage fully with my work and allowed me to develop all of the skills I want to over the course of this three months, which is fantastic. In time, I am hoping that I will be able to gain further new skills which will benefit me in the future, as I have already got so much out of this experience. At this stage, I would say that although at times it can be stressful, I love the sense of accomplishment and general satisfaction I am getting out of this placement experience.


Right, so I have to apologise that my Doctor Who review was a full five days late! I was having trouble putting my thoughts into words all week and once I got back to work on Monday, time just didn’t allow me to finish it. I’m sorry and I hope that this won’t ever happen again.

If you are following me on my social media, you will have noticed that last weekend, Stay Blogitive hit 2000 pageviews! This is absolutely incredible and is down to you guys more than anything. Thank you to every single one of you and it just means so much to me that this humble little project of mine has been viewed 2000 times. Honestly, I see the number rise a little every single day and it makes me so happy and proud that I have done this. You are all amazing!

Throughout the month of November, I will be making an announcement every week. This will probably be on a Sunday and will be an extra post to go with my other content. This starts next Sunday, November 1st with something massive. I hope this will give me the chance to share more of my life with you guys and let you get to know me better so you can better understand my content.


In other news this week, our usual pub quiz was cancelled, at which point we decided to meet some other friends in another bar to do karaoke instead. I have to say that this was an absolutely fantastic experience and I genuinely didn’t know that some of these friends could sing. To be honest, I didn’t sing anything but I fully admire those who did get up on stage. In particular, I enjoyed the version of “Sweet Transvestite” from The Rocky Horror Picture Show sung by one of the most amazing people I know. You were brilliant and I think you have so much courage to get up and sing a big number like that in front of a bar full of people. Amazing!

If you’re following me on Instagram, you will have noticed that I bought Tyler Oakley’s book, Binge, this week. As one of my internet idols and one of the most inspiring people in the world, I felt as though I wanted to learn more about the queen of YouTube. I posted a photo of the book on Twitter, in which I tagged Tyler. I was then stunned when he favourited it! THE Tyler Oakley favourited MY Tweet! Absolutely, this is one of the best things that’s happened to me this year and I am still in shock about it. Thank you Tyler!

I guess that that’s it for this week. As ever, I hope you got some enjoyment out of reading about my life and what I’m doing. If you have any comments, questions, or just want to let me know your thoughts on this or anything else I’ve posted about, you can do so via the comments section or through all of my social media links below. Hopefully, my review of the next episode of Doctor Who will be up on Sunday as planned this week. Until then, keep following, keep smiling and of course, above all keep believing!


Social Media links

Spotify: Search for “trentblogs” 
