Life Updates 2

Welcome to this week’s life updates. As is now the usual, they are going to be divided into three categories; placement year, blogging and other.

Hope you enjoy!

Placement Year Week 2

This week, I got the chance to develop my telephone skills, something which I’ve been needing to work on for some time now. I was absolutely dreading having to face it, and it duly started terribly. After leaving a horrendous voicemail early on, I was embarrassed to carry on and felt incredibly out of my depth. Through support from colleagues however, I did eventually get there and began to make phone calls, some of which were voicemail, some of which were answered by some truly lovely people.

After making around fifteen calls on day one and beginning to get better at it, I went into day two knowing that I’d already made progress and that I wanted to keep this up for as long as possible. I didn’t expect to make over thirty calls that day, which is honestly more than I’ve ever made in my whole life. This has given me a massive confidence boost and I guess it just goes to show that although things may start badly, they will improve over time if you stick with what you’re doing and don’t give up. I advise anyone else that practice makes perfect and now I’ve begun to acquire an incredibly useful new skill out of this experience which I just couldn’t imagine doing only a week ago.

Also this week, I got to use my blogging skills to set up a blog for the place I’m working at which was one of the main goals set out for me when I began this placement. It blends my personal and working lives together in such an amazing way, such that I can get enjoyment out of using the writing and social media skills I use every week in a working environment. So, it seems that this is helping me have fun and get the best out of this part of my placement year as I can.
How am I feeling after my second week? Well, this week was my first five day week in a long time, which means that at the end of it, I am absolutely exhausted! However, I am now settling into my routines and enjoying the work I am doing. The fact that I’ve gained new skills means that despite how tired I’m currently feeling, I have found the last five days to be massively rewarding and let’s hope I can feel this happy about it every week from now on!


As far as blogging goes, there are a few things to discuss.

Firstly, we are nearly on 2000 pageviews. Watching the numbers rise week in week out still blows my mind, especially given how rapidly they are doing so now. I am so excited about hitting another huge milestone so expect to hear about it on my social media accounts within the next few days. Once again, I am so thankful to every single one of you who is reading this. You have got me here and I am so grateful to have all of you.

I have thought about another logo change this week. There is a design I have in mind, but I am divided as to whether or not I want to launch it yet. It will probably happen in 2016 if it does happen, but I do stress that it is still in the process of being considered right now. Updates will probably be given nearer to New Year so for now watch this space.

I also have some new projects I am planning involving this blog. Again, they are still under consideration but I am really looking forward to being able to share them with you guys. I am sure you’re really going to like them but for now that is all I’m going to say. Keep up to date with me to find out more about these projects when I eventually release more details.


You may remember that last week, I wrote about how my quiz team were on a winning streak and were looking to make it three wins in a row. Unfortunately for us, two of the team were not there and we came third. I’m not blaming them for our failure, but without them, our knowledge had too many gaps to win us the prize again. As a team though, we have still never come below third whenever we have attended so we are still amazing even when we don’t come first! Mark my words, we will bounce back and win again, you’ll see!

OK, so there’s a bit about my week. Let me know if you have any questions or thoughts about anything you’ve read. You can follow me on all of the social media links below or leave a comment on this post if you like. This Sunday, I will be posting my review of the next episode of Doctor Who, called “The Girl Who Died” and starring none other than Maisie Williams from Game of Thrones so if you want to hear my thoughts on that episode, come back this Sunday. Until then, keep following, keep smiling and above all, keep believing!


Social Media links

Spotify: Search for “trentblogs” 
