My 2015 Nine Month review

This week’s Friday post is my 9 month review of the My 2015 project. It is also by coincidence my 25th post on this blog and we’re back to the same subject as my first ever post on here back in February. I’m going to look back on how it has changed things and how I’m feeling after the first nine months of the year and I’ll be looking ahead to the last part of 2015.

I have to mention the fact that as this project was the first ever post on Stay Blogitive, it is probably one of the reasons this blog started in the first place. I suppose this means that without it, I wouldn’t be posting right now and the last 8 months, 25 posts and 1400 pageviews might never have happened. When I think of it like this, it really puts into context just how much the two are interconnected and the impact that My 2015 has had on my life.

I think I’ve said it before, but I gain a lot of positivity from watching the box fill up and seeing how much more full it gets every week. When times have been tough, and I admit this can happen quite often, I have looked over at the My 2015 project sat on my shelf and I am instantly reminded that despite how bad things might seem, a lot of good things are happening and there are reasons to be happy. One of the things it has made me do is to constantly strive for positivity and happiness. Because of this, I can find myself working hard to ensure that I have things to fill my box with, so I basically make myself do positive things all of the time. This is such a massive part of how my life is different since embarking on this project and I am amazed at just how much of a change it has caused in me.

Back in June when I posted my 6 month review, I mentioned that I get questions about the project from others who want to do it themselves. The majority of these have been close friends of mine, some of whom have now started their own boxes as a result of me telling them about mine. Naturally, I have got such a sense of pride that my project has inspired other people. It gives me such a buzz to know that I can help others to be more positive in their lives and that I can spread the positivity I’ve got out of My 2015 to my friends. So, it makes people other than me happy and this actually makes me feel happier as well, so everyone’s smiling!

As we drift into the last part of 2015 and ultimately towards the end of the My 2015 project, I feel it is important to look ahead to what will be coming in the next few months and into the new year. In another three months’ time, I will be posting my end-of-year review of the project and assessing how much I have been influenced and changed by the whole thing. I have decided that I absolutely want to do another one for 2016 (it feels so weird to be writing that already) and I am considering another idea which will run alongside it throughout the year. At this stage, it is only an idea but one I’m really excited about and one I am so keen to try. If you keep up with me, I will reveal more details about it nearer the time.

And I guess that is all I have to say for today. Thank you all for helping me get so many pageviews and being with me over the last 8 months. How can this be my 25th post already? If you want to keep up with me, go and follow me on all of the social media accounts below. This Sunday, I will be posting my review of this week’s Doctor Who episode – Under The Lake, so stay tuned for that and until then, keep following, keep smiling and above all, keep believing!


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