Life updates 1

Just a quick note before we begin to say that from now on, these life update posts are going to be split up into three sections.

The first of these is going to be about my university placement year and is intended to be a record of my feelings and thoughts across this amazing experience that I have now (finally!) started. I hope that this will also be useful to other university students who are considering or about to embark on a placement year so do let me know if this helps at all.

The second section will be my updates on the digital side of my life. It will include updates on blogging, social media and information about any logo or branding changes surrounding this site. There may not be much in this part every week, but I will try to put something in it as regularly as I can.

The third and final part of these life update posts will be called “Other”. Here I will be talking about anything else in my life that I want to share with you guys that doesn’t count as part of my placement or blogging.

Now I’ve explained what each section will be about, I think it’s time to get on with this week’s updates. Enjoy!

Placement Year

As I mentioned in the intro, I have finally managed to obtain my placement for Term 1 (now until Christmas) beginning from last Tuesday. It involves social media management for a student-targeted employment office, something I do on a regular basis in my personal life anyway. I am so glad to have the opportunity to incorporate the skills I have obtained from blogging into a working environment.

Week one has involved gradually integrating myself into the workplace and settling into the routines I need in order to make this placement work. So far I have set up a blog for the team and begun to manage their social media pages to promote job vacancies and recruitment events. Over time, I plan to build on these practical skills as well as develop in other areas such as making telephone calls. Next week, I might have an update on that aspect of things so watch this space.

In terms of how I feel, I am quite pleased with how my first week has gone. Although exhausted, I feel so happy with the work I have done and am comfortable when it comes to the office environment. The team I work with make sure that things are formal enough to be efficient and to get things done, whilst maintaining a level of informality that puts me at ease and ensures that things feel friendly and less pressured than what might be expected in certain other places of work.


So much has happened this week in terms of blogging.

This week, I added AdSense to this page. For a long time, I held back on doing this because I felt as though it destroyed the purity and personality of this blog. However, I hope you understand that I have made this decision so that this page and its profile can expand and become more popular. I have to say that this will not change anything. This blog and its content will remain mine and will continue to be about me and my interaction with you guys and that will still be the same despite the fact that there are now ads on this page.

Also this week, the pageviews on here surged. Last Friday when I posted, we were almost on 1400 and now a week later, this number is 1800. Thank you guys so much. I cannot believe how quickly this is going up, especially considering that I posted my 200 pageviews thank you post less than three months ago! This is what keeps me going and as long as you guys are reading my posts then I will keep on posting. This means the world to me and I love you all so much for sticking with me to this point.

Other updates

What else is happening in my life?

This week, a group of friends and I won one of our local pub quizzes for the second week running. For such a long time, there were three of us and the gaps in our knowledge meant that we could never finish above third position. We recently added two new team members and our fortunes seem to have turned around because of it. I love going to these sorts of things and it just makes it so rewarding when we win the prize money from it. So, if they’re reading this my team should know that I am incredibly grateful to have them as my friends and I have so much fun at these quizzes. Long may our winning streak last!

In other news, I was asked today to run Saturday’s meeting for my university’s Doctor Who society because none of the usual people can do it. It is such an honour to be asked. I am really excited for this opportunity as I already have my eyes on running the society next year and it will be good practice for me to run a meeting and see how I feel about it. I cannot wait for Saturday night now and I am sure this is going to be a wonderful thing for me to do to improve social skills as well as management ability and talking in front of people.

And I guess that is it. This was such a long post but so much has happened that it all needed to be included. If you enjoyed this post or have any questions about placement years or anything else I’ve mentioned today, you can leave me a comment at the end of this post. You can also find me on all of the social media links which will be below. This Sunday’s post will be a review of Before the Flood, episode 4 of the new series of Doctor Who. There will also be a review of the first society meeting I’ve ever run so be sure to check in for that. Until then, I guess all I have to say is keep following, keep smiling and above all keep believing.


Social Media links

Spotify: Search for “trentblogs”  
