Please VOTE!

Hello again all.

Today’s post is different to my usual content, and will be of a subject matter I haven’t ventured into in any of my 100 or so previous posts on this page.

It is not often I get political, and I try and keep politics away from this blog where my posts are supposed to remain positive, but this is a time when I feel it is important to discuss this, with such a significant event as this.

On Thursday 23rd June, the UK will make a decision as to whether it leaves the European Union, or remains a part of it. This has been advertised as the biggest decision of a lifetime, and I have to say that I don’t remember any other election or political event on this scale.

This campaign has caused so much division amongst people, and at times the rhetoric from both sides has been disrespectful and full of hate. There have been moments when I have felt disgusted at my own country for the events leading up to this referendum, and the hatred it has provoked. Both left and right wing politics have shown their ugly sides over the last few months, and the political hatred has even resulted in the death of an MP last week.

Politics in a civilised western nation such as ours should not involve this kind of act, regardless of political standpoint. The United Kingdom is a democracy, which means that the people have the power to decide, not by shouting in the streets, or by murdering those who do not share the same opinions. The only way to express your views and make a difference, no matter which side of this debate you fall on, is to go to the polling station on the day, and VOTE. If you have registered to vote or are in any way eligible to do so, I urge you to exercise this right that so many people have died throughout history to give you. This is a decision which will affect the future of our country, and our young people, so the responsibility to stand up and be counted is yours.

I will be posting my thoughts after the results are in as well, so keep up to date with me for that.
