Places I want to visit

Hello again everyone, and welcome back to Stay Blogitive’s UK month.

On Monday, I posted about some of the places I’ve been and seen around the UK. Today’s post will be very similar to that, but this time it is all about the places I want to go and see in the future.


So far, I’ve been to Wales, Scotland, and have lived in England, which means that the only one of the four nations of the UK that I haven’t yet visited is Northern Ireland. Like the rest of the UK, it is beautiful, but it has gained a bad reputation over the years for its political problems. To me though, I would love to visit this part of the world, with a particular desire to go to the Giant’s Causeway.


As a dedicated Whovian, I cannot believe that I have not been to the DW Experience in Cardiff yet. I know so many people who have gone, and have absolutely loved it. This is a trip that I am hoping will happen sometime next year if it can all be arranged properly. So, look out for updates on this in the future.


Another great place I have not been to yet is the Harry Potter Studios. This is another thing that I have heard so much about ad seen so many pictures and videos of, but have not had the chance to go. I feel as though it would be such a wonderful and immersive experience, and would bring my love for Harry Potter to life around me. Definitely hope I get to go at some point.  


Despite living in Birmingham (on and off) since 2012, I haven’t managed to get to go to Cadbury World, which is here in this city! As a lover of chocolate, I know that this would be one of the best experiences of my life, and I would enjoy it so much. Not to mention, it has a theme park, the largest Cadbury shop in the world, and a factory shop where you can BULK-BUY chocolate! How could I not want to visit this chocolate paradise?


As mentioned in Monday’s post, I’ve already been to London several times, but it is so big that it is difficult to see everything you want to in one go. Therefore, I want to go back at some point and explore some of the places I have not yet had the chance to see. Below are just a few examples:

·         Wembley Stadium

·         Tower of London

·         Tower Bridge

·         The Shard (which wasn’t even finished when I went there in 2011!)

·         Westminster Abbey


Out of all of the places I’ve visited around the UK before, Scotland is the part of the country I most want to go back to. For some reason, I see Scottish landscapes and hear about it on TV, and I have this overwhelming love for it that I can’t explain. I don’t know if I would return to the Isle of Skye or not, but I know that there is so much up there which I want to see. Without any doubt in my mind, Scotland is top of my list of places in the UK I would love to visit in the future.

And there we have it. I will leave my social media links in the table below and also welcome any comments you leave on this post. You can let me know your thoughts on any of the places above, or if there is anywhere you’d like to visit in the UK, I would love to know about it.

My next post will be up this Friday, so until then, keep active, keep smiling, and above all else, keep believing!
