Christmas Dinner!

With 4 days to go until the big event now, I hope you’re all getting excited about it.

One of the highlights of the day is undoubtedly the large dinner. Christmas is known as a time of overindulgence and binge eating, and the main meal on Christmas day is undoubtedly the highlight for me, and for many of you I’m sure. Today I’m going to be taking you through the many types of meat, vegetables and other trimmings you might have on your plate this Friday. Hope you aren’t too hungry by the end of this post!


When it comes to meat, there are several different options for what you can have at the table this festive period. Whereas the traditional choice is turkey, people are now going against this convention and opting for other types of meat for their Christmas dinner.

In the past, I have had beef, duck and even goose instead of turkey. They were all amazing and I would highly recommend any of these if you feel like trying out something new this Christmas. For some people, these might represent too much of a deviation from the traditional festive meat. Of course, chicken is an obvious choice as well, but I myself have gone off it in recent years, and therefore will not be having it again anytime soon.

And the last thing I wanted to discuss regarding meat is that some of you out there may be vegetarians and so don’t eat meat at all. There are plenty of meat-free choices for Christmas dinner, including nut-roasts. Being a vegetarian does not mean you can’t get the same level of enjoyment out of festive food as us carnivores!  


Another staple of the main meal on Christmas day is of course, the vegetables. Although disliked by many, there are some very enjoyable veggies which can complement the rest of your meal very well.

You may leave carrots or parsnips out for the reindeer on Christmas Eve, but they can also be a very tasty part of your own dinner. I particularly love them when they have been honey-roasted. If you haven’t tried them this way before, I highly recommend it. Honey-roasted carrots and parsnips are delicious!

One of my favourite vegetables is sweetcorn. The clue is in the name, it is sweet and goes absolutely brilliantly with any of the meat and plenty of the other trimmings on a Christmas dinner plate. Sweetcorn can also be mixed with peas to create a doubly tasty mixture of veg, despite the fact that peas don’t really belong at Christmas. They are both absolutely recommended!

For some reason, sprouts form a part of our traditional Christmas dinners, despite the fact that very few people seem to like them. I completely hate sprouts and would definitely recommend avoiding them at all costs.

By far my absolute favourite vegetable is the roast potato. However, I am not talking about the ones you buy in a packet from any old supermarket. I mean proper home-made crispy roasties, made with fresh potatoes and olive oil. If you haven’t had home-made roast potatoes, you have missed out. I suggest trying them. They are a million times better than anything you can buy from the shops!


Now it’s time to talk about all of the trimmings!

Something I love about festive food is stuffing. There are so many different kinds, and when combined with meat and a little bit of gravy, it is even more delicious. Be it sausage, or sage and onion, inside a bird or in balls, stuffing is a necessity at any festive meal, and I can’t wait to have it on Friday!

Sausages and bacon are two of the world’s most amazing things. Put them together and what have you got – pigs in blankets! What a wonderful creation and an excellent addition to the dinner plate at any time of year, but particularly at Christmas!

Finally, there is something that no traditional British roast dinner can do without. I am, of course, talking about Yorkshire puddings. In my opinion, they are the best thing about Christmas dinner and absolutely nothing beats them. To all of my international readers who have never tried one, you are missing out and I hope that one day you will get the opportunity to taste one for yourself!

If that hasn’t made you hungry and looking forward to your Christmas dinner, I don’t know what will! As usual, if you have any thoughts on anything I’ve posted about or want to send me anything, you can do so via my social media links or by commenting on this post down below. In my next post, I’ll be revealing my top two favourite Christmas songs ever, so stay tuned for that. Until then, keep festive, keep smiling, and above everything else, keep believing!


