Doctor Who Series 9 Review

Just as quickly as it started, series 9 of Doctor Who has ended. Having reviewed every episode individually, I am now going to give my thoughts on the series as a whole.


One of the best things about this series was the fact that we got more two-parters than usual. This meant that rather than give us a lot of undeveloped and rushed stories, the plotlines were developed in more detail and were far easier to understand. I do prefer this method and it definitely made this series far more exciting for me than the last series, where I was left wanting more at the end of each episode because the plots hadn’t been developed well enough. So, even though we only got seven stories this year, I am much happier at the end of this series than I was at the end of the last, and it made this series the best in years.


As I think is the case for all of the modern Doctors (apart from the ninth Doctor), the second series for Capaldi is the one where the character has really begun to find himself and work out what sort of person he is. Last year, the Doctor seemed very unsettled in terms of his personality, and didn’t seem to have any quirks or gimmicks to make him stand out from previous Doctors. We were introduced to a lot of new things in series 9. Over the course of series 9, the Doctor has demonstrated his love of playing the electric guitar. It is a wonderfully quirky trait that I am reliably informed comes from Peter Capaldi’s own ability to play, which means he is putting his own stamp on the role, and I love that. One of the shortest surviving and most hated of gimmicks in Doctor Who history is of course, the sonic sunglasses. I am personally so glad that they disappeared with Clara at the end of the series, as I’m sure are so many of you. The sonic screwdriver is back! It never made sense to me that the 12th Doctor was walking around with Matt Smith’s old one, and I could never quite accept that he didn’t have his own. Well, now he does have his own and we can all celebrate it, whilst of course hoping that the Doctor doesn’t find other random things to make sonic!


Back in 2013, it was revealed that Gallifrey did not fall at the end of the Time War. Since then, we have been teased several times that at some time in the future, the Doctor would find his way back there. At last, the end of series 9 saw this happen. It was an incredible finale, and now we have returned to Gallifrey once, I hope that this is going to be a recurring thing, because there are a lot of things that can be done with the Timelords. It would be a shame if they didn’t explore the possibilities now that they have gone to the effort of bringing them back.


Without a doubt, series 9 was the best of the Moffat era. It brought us a huge amount of character development, meaning we got to know this Doctor a bit better. On top of that, an emotional exit for Clara Oswald, the introduction of Ashildr/Lady Me, and the reintroduction of the Timelords are all definite highlights from these 12 episodes. With fewer but better developed stories, it made for a fantastic series, which was action-packed, emotional and quite frankly amazing!


Before we enter the top 10 in my favourite Christmas songs, I think it’s a good idea to briefly have a rundown of the list so far. Here are numbers 20 to 11 in my Christmas countdown.

Kim and Mel

Rockin Around The Christmas Tree

Chris Rea

Driving Home For Christmas


Lonely This Christmas

Paul and Linda McCartney

Wonderful Christmas Time

Frankie Goes To Hollywood

Power of Love

Chris de Burgh

Spaceman Came Travelling

Darlene Love

All Alone on Christmas


Christmas Lights

Boney M

Mary’s Boy Child

Band Aid (1984)

Do They Know It’s Christmas?

So, the top 10 has arrived. And it kicks off with a track which was released at my first Christmas, back in 1994. Although not originally a Christmas song, it was rereleased late on in the year with a snowy video complete with white puffer jackets. That made this song an instant Christmas classic, and it went on to become the UK’s Christmas number one in 1994. Here is the absolutely wonderful Stay Another Day by East 17, which lands at number 10 on this Christmas chart.

East 17

Stay Another Day

There we have it then. Let me know what you think of Doctor Who series 9 or of my music chart by commenting or getting in touch via my social media links (all are below). Of course, come back tomorrow if you want another Christmassy post, and to continue getting closer to my number one Christmas song. Until then, keep festive, keep smiling and above all, keep believing!


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