
After you’ve got through you main meal on Christmas day, it doesn’t matter how full you are, there is always room for you to have a dessert. There are quite few options for what you can have, and I’m going to be talking about some of those today.


Perhaps the most traditional and most festive of all the choices on this list, Christmas pudding. I am always surprised when people tell me they don’t like it, because I think it is absolutely delicious.


As I explained in a previous post, I am someone who absolutely ADORES chocolate. Therefore, whenever I get the chance to eat it, I do so! A chocolate log is the best excuse to eat it as part of a Christmas meal. Cake, chocolate, and icing sugar in one dish! Absolutely divine!


I have been informed that mince pies are very much a British tradition, and it is difficult to find them anywhere else in the world. By the way, this doesn’t mean that contain beef or lamb mince, just in case you were wondering and found it odd that we put mince into a pudding. Rather confusingly, they are made from mincemeat, which is a combination of suet and dried fruit. Christmas puddings are made from the same mixture. Mince pies are, however, a very divisive thing and you will either hate them with a passion or, like I do, absolutely love them. If you are someone who has never spent Christmas in Britain before, I highly recommend trying them, possibly hot and covered in cream or ice cream.

There you have it then, a few ideas for desserts this Christmas, if you have any other ideas or wish to get in touch to talk about anything in this post, you can do so in the comments section below, or on my social media links in the table at the end of this post. The big day is closing in now, but I am still going to be posting over the next few days. Keep up with me to find out when they will be up, but until then, keep festive, keep smiling, and above all else, keep believing!


