Picture 2: My 2016

Welcome to the second post of this month of daily posts, and to the second picture in this challenge.

PICTURE 2: MY 2016

I have already spoken in many posts about this project before, so today is both a reminder about the project and why it is so important to me.

For those who do not know, the concept behind the project is to write down all of the positive things or milestones that happen and place them into a container. Over time, it fills up and at the end of the year, you open it and read them all as a sort of review of the year.

When I first heard of this idea at the end of 2014, I thought it was a fantastic idea, but wasn’t sure if I wanted to do it. In fact, it was over a month into 2015 when I started one of my own, but I am so glad I did.

It has ended up having such a massively positive impact on my life. If I am feeling low, I can remind myself that I have achieved so much already this year, and I feel instantly motivated and happier, all simply by having it on display to look at. At the end of 2015, I had somewhere between 300 and 400 things, which was beyond what I had ever expected, and I was so proud of it all. An unbelievable success, I decided that I would do one for this year as well

That is why this picture means so much to me, because it has taught me to be a more positive person, simply by recording all that I have to be positive about. I look at the “My 2016” project every day and am filled with self-pride for just how full it is and I truly see it as a reason to look forward.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this project. Perhaps you’ve got something similar, or another type of positivity project. You can let me know on my social media in the table below, or down in the comments section if you have any stories or opinions you want to share.

My next post will be up tomorrow, so look forward to that, and until then, keep active, keep smiling, and above all else, keep believing!

