End of an Era 1: Term is Coming!

Hello again everyone, and welcome to the second post of my End of an Era series, which is all about my final year at university.

It may still be August, and there is over a month to go yet until the start of term, but there is already a lot on my mind.


For those who aren’t aware, this is the big final assignment project without which I cannot graduate, and is going to take up the entire year. Usually, students will have to complete one of these essays, of around 12,000 words to submit at the end of the year. However, because my degree is a split degree (a Joint Honours), I am going to be doing TWO essays, with each around 6,000 words in length.

Although some might say this makes my life easier, in many ways it does not. It means I have to think about and research TWO topics instead of one, which is going to be more difficult, especially considering that I have the same amount of time to do both assignments as those who are doing single subject degrees.

At this stage, I am worried because I have absolutely no idea of the topic for either essay, and am unsure as to whether I should have something I want to work on at this stage. On top of that, I continually ask myself if I am behind everyone else by thinking this way, or if everyone else is at the same point that I am. Should I be thinking about at this point, or should I have been thinking about it long before now so I had something to go on?

The fact is, I really don’t want to mess this year up, as it is the single most important part of my whole degree programme, and failure remains one of my biggest fears, as it does for most university students.


Bearing in mind what I’ve said above about how much or how little prepared I am for the start of the year, I am wondering how to proceed with the research and pre-reading side of things as the end of September edges ever closer.

Without a specific topic to look up for my disso, there is currently no direction to my reading. Because of this, I am stuck as to how to proceed with it. Where do I start if I don’t have a particular subject to research and write about? Do I look for a topic before reading, or is it better to read anyway and try and find a topic amongst my readings?


The disso, and its associated research are not my only major fears about the next year, but they are a huge part of my concerns nonetheless.

I am worried that if I don’t keep up with progress on the essays, and the reading, then I will very quickly become overwhelmed with the workload and the pressure. This will then lead to getting behind, and ultimately, it makes me fear that I will fail as a result. I just don’t want this year to go wrong for me, in any way, because I don’t know what the consequences of that would then be, but they won’t be good whatever they are.

Organisation is absolutely key for me, and is how I’m going to be able to keep on top of my work, and to keep my anxieties at bay. My other strategy is to ensure that I have free time to do other things, which will give me the break from work I need, as well as allowing me to relax and maintain a healthy state of mind.


One of the things I’m going to be doing in my free time this year involves one of my greatest loves – Doctor Who. For the past couple of years, I have been attending my university’s Doctor Who society as a member, where we all share our love for this iconic TV show. And this year, I have gone from being just a member to being elected president, which is absolutely AMAZING!

I am aware of the huge responsibility that this position has placed upon my shoulders, and I know that it is going to require a lot of planning and commitment to make it work. In a way though, I am sort of relishing the challenge ahead, and it will give me something to look forward to at the end of each week (meetings are usually on a Saturday).  I can’t wait to get started really!

I said in a previous post that this was one of the things I wanted to accomplish over the next twelve months. At this stage, there isn’t much to say on this, except that I am making steps to get the ball rolling on this. I will probably turn this into a series on its own, but there will definitely be more updates on this in the future.

And there we have it. Those are my thoughts and feelings at this stage, with a month to go before the start of my final year at university. Are you now, or have you ever been, in a similar situation to mine? Do you empathise with anything I’ve said above? Can you offer any advice? You can get in touch by leaving a comment, or messaging me on my social media. The links to all of my pages are in the table below.

Until next time, remember to keep active, keep smiling, and above all else, keep believing!

