The Witch's Familiar review

Warning! This post contains spoilers so if you haven’t seen the episode yet, please make sure you watch it before reading any further.

This week, I want to focus on three important topics from episode 2.

The first of these is the relationship between Davros and the Doctor, something which has become more complicated thanks to the events of these first two episodes. As explained in my episode 1 review, we’ve now discovered that the Doctor inadvertently saved Davros as a child, and it is possible that he indirectly created the Daleks by doing so. However, the twist to this comes at the end of episode 2 when the Doctor tells the young Davros that mercy is important. I have given this some thought and my theory is that this means if every Dalek was created with a concept of mercy, then they do in fact contain a part of the Doctor within them and that opens up a completely different can of worms which I may discuss in a later post.

The next thing to take from this episode is that we got to see and understand a lot more about the character of Missy. She is very like the previous incarnations of the Master who could be both crazy and scary at times and I find it very interesting to see how she is both similar and different to those who have come before her. As is typical of the character, we get to see both the good and the bad sides of her personality as well as her ongoing love/hate relationship with the Doctor. Whilst she saved Clara by teleporting her out, she turned on her by nearly convincing the Doctor to kill her when she was concealed inside the Dalek. I absolutely love Missy’s madness, even the dark bits and the character is one of the best on the show at the moment. I sincerely hope that Missy will be back soon to wreak havoc and be her bonkers self again as she makes the show so entertaining.

The last thing I wanted to talk about from this episode is the mentioning of a prophecy which foretold of a “hybrid” of some kind. I have a theory that THIS is going to be the story arc for this series and by the end we will discover just what this word means. Could it be Missy? Could it be the Doctor? Is it Clara? Is it someone else? Is it someone we haven’t met yet, possibly the character played by Maisie Williams who is set to appear later in the series? No-one knows at this stage but I hope we find out more about this soon.

Like last week, I am going to put some questions here that this episode has left me with and will let you think about what the answers might be.

What or who is “The Hybrid” mentioned by Davros?

What happened to Missy?

How many regenerations, if any, did the Doctor lose to the Daleks and Davros?

In many ways, I loved this episode and some of the complex subjects it explored, but it did feel a little disjointed in places and at times a bit lacklustre. However, it felt like quite a strong conclusion to the series opener and Moffat managed to weave a tale full of emotion and intrigue throughout. It explored some key relationships and left me overall satisfied with the conclusion.

Rating for The Witch’s Familiar


So those are my thoughts on episode 2. Let me know your thoughts on this review and of course on anything related to the show in the comments below (Say something nice!). Make sure you follow me on all of the social media links below if you want to know more about what I’m posting and when. My next post should be up this Friday, so until then, keep following, keep smiling and above all keep believing!


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