One week, Two Milestones.

This week has been absolutely crazy for me.

On Monday, this blog hit 1000 pageviews.

When this blog started back in February, I had no idea that it would ever get to this point, let alone getting there in under seven months! It always puts a smile on my face when I find that my pageviews have risen even by one. I am so grateful and always will be to all of you who have taken the time to read any of my posts here over the last seven months and to those of you who will ultimately read the posts that are yet to come. Thank you all so much. I have never stopped appreciating the support you guys give me and I am spurred on to keep posting because of that support.

Also this week, my followers on Twitter have passed 100. Once again, I never expected this to ever happen and am so grateful for all of you guys. My followers mean the world to me and I never take any of you for granted.

Those of you who have been following me for a while might remember that I set myself a series of goals at the end of July when I turned 21. These were things I wanted to achieve by the time I turn 22 and two of them have been achieved this week. Included in this were the aims of reaching both 1000 pageviews and 100 Twitter followers and I’ve done these within about seven weeks. I am just staggered by this as I was totally not expecting it to happen this quickly.

Basically, the point of this post is to say that reaching these milestones is down to you guys and I could not have done this without you. I am spurred on by the constant rise in pageviews and the massive sense of achievement. It gives me such a sense of pride to have got here and I will keep posting as long as my pageviews continue to rise. Thank you to all of you and let’s keep this up for as long as we can.

If you want more updates, follow me on all of the social media links below. I will be posting the next in my colour series on Monday so stay tuned for that. Once again, thank you and until Monday, keep reading, keep following and above all keep believing.


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