Questions I get asked about "My 2015"

6 months into My 2015, I think it’s time I explain a bit more about it and answer some of the questions I get asked about it.

Where did you get the idea from?

At the end of last year, I watched a video by Jake Edwards called Jar of 2014. Throughout the year, he’d written down all of the positive things that had happened to him and placed them in a jar. For the video he opened the jar and read through them to review his year and see all of the positive things that had happened. After the year I had last year, this video and this idea was exactly what I needed and I wouldn't hesitate to say that it changed my life for the better. I decided that this was something I would do for 2015 to make my life feel more positive and it has helped so much. Thank you Jake Edwards for inspiring me to do this.

What do the colours represent?

They actually don’t represent anything in particular, but it looks nicer. The order in which I use each colour is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple which is rainbow and I guess you could say it stands for the hope and positivity that rainbows bring.

Do you need to put something in every day?

Not at all. Some days will be bad days and you might not be able to put anything in, whereas other days might have two or three positives to put in, so it is best not to set yourself a target and just let things happen when they happen. This also avoids any feelings of disappointment when you can’t find anything positive in your day to put in.

How big or small do the events/ things you put in have to be?

It is entirely up to you, but this is my view on it. Obviously, big events have a massively positive impact on you and these clearly are going to be so significant that you will feel like these have to go into your box. However, what you also need to remember is that sometimes even the tiniest thing can be a huge morale boost and all of these little events will build up throughout the year and will provide the majority of things in the box. Remember that life is full of lots of small things which add up over time and are just as important as the big events when it comes to positivity.

Is it too late to start?

I know that we are halfway through the year now, but as far as I’m concerned, that means there are six months still to go, in which so many positive things could still happen. You can even still backdate and try to recall all of the positive things you’ve experienced in the first half of the year if you want. If you still want to do it, my advice is to go for it, because it can be so motivating.

Anyway, if you have any questions I didn't answer here then you can ask me on Twitter (@trentblogs), on Tumblr (trentwilsonblogs) or in the comment section below. Also, follow me on Instagram (event94) if you like. As always, follow me on all of the above channels and remember to keep believing.


Quote of the day
“Every storm in your life is followed by a rainbow” 

Jake Edwards - Jar of 2014 
