
Hello again all! Today’s post is going to be an updates post because I haven’t done one in a while, and I just wanted to keep you guys in the loop as to what to expect from me and from this page in the near future.


In just under two weeks, I will turn 22!

This means that there will be some birthday-themed posts, including a review of the goals I set a year ago on my 21st birthday. (You can check out that list of goals HERE)


You have probably already read the first post in this new series I am going to be doing over the course of the next twelve months (Link to that post right HERE).

The next post in this series will be out sometime before the end of this month, and you can expect a new one around about once a month for the next year, until I graduate university in July 2017 (less than a year away!).


Last year, I reviewed each episode of Doctor Who series 9, and you guys seemed to love it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Unfortunately, there isn’t going to be a new series until Spring 2017, with only a Christmas special to look forward to this year. So, whilst we wait FOREVER for the next series, I have decided to go back and review other episodes (from NuWho) just like I did for series 9. Doctor Who is one of my biggest loves, and I want to be able to share that love with you guys, particularly when there aren’t any new episodes being broadcast.

Not only that, but this gives me an excuse to go back and watch them all again!


There is no theme for the month of July, but in August I am going to do a photography challenge.

I am going to try (and I do emphasise TRY) to post one picture every day, with each one representing something personal to me, which will be the main content of each blogpost. They will all be on here of course, but also over on my Instagram for you to check out.

I have never done anything like this before, and am relishing the challenge it will present me with.

Thanks once again for reading. As ever, I encourage you to comment on this post and follow me on my social media (LINKS BELOW) to share your thoughts with me about this post, or about anything I post about.

Until my next post, keep active, keep smiling, and above all else, keep believing!

