2016 is here!

First of all, happy new year to you all!

I was supposed to post right up until the end of December, but I didn’t. I’m sorry, but I’m back now, and ready to kick off 2016! And now we’ve finally entered the New Year, I wanted to discuss some changes I am making to this page and talk about what I want Stay Blogitive to become in the year ahead.


I have decided to stick with doing at least two posts a week. The reason I say “at least” is because I am going to be posting on any combination of Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Sometimes, I will try and put up a post on all three days each week, but most of the time it will only be two. I’ll explain more about the content of these posts below.


I mentioned at the end of last year that the format of my life update posts would be changing this year, and now I’m going to explain exactly how they’re going to be different from now on. Previously, they were divided into sections named “blog”, “placement” and “other”. For me, this format doesn’t really work, so I am going to try a new, question-based style instead. This will involve talking about the who, what, when, where, and why of what’s been happening in my life, which I think will allow me to share more information with you guys than ever before.


Following on from the Blogmas month I did in December 2015, I have realised how much I enjoy doing themed posts and series. Because of this, I am going to be doing themed months throughout 2016, with several different topics coming up. The full list of themes hasn’t yet been finalised but as soon as it is finished, I will share it with you all. As it is January and a new year, this month’s theme will be “New” and over the next four weeks, I’ll be posting about all sorts of ideas around exploring new things in 2016.  


In addition to my series and life updates, I am adding a new weekly feature to this page, again inspired by the Blogmas challenge from December. Over the month, I counted down my favourite Christmas songs and I really enjoyed being able to share some of my musical tastes with you. So, I want to make this a regular thing and give you all one song recommendation every single week, with a playlist being created over on my Spotify page (link at the end of this post) where you can listen to the full list. These songs could be from very popular artists or ones you might not know about. They could be old, they could be new. I aim for the list to be an eccentric mix of different artists and styles, based on the wide range of music that I listen to.

The first Trent’s Tracks post will be out this Friday, January 8th, so keep an eye out for it!


Less than a year ago, I started this blog as a way of doing something pro-active and positive with my life and sharing my voice with the world. On the final day of 2015, I checked my stats for the final time of the year and this is where it was…

I just want to say a massive thank you to you all and I seem to do this a lot, but it means so much to me that my little project could achieve so much in so little time. Now, I want to aim high for 2016 and say that this page can reach 10,000 pageviews by the end of this year. I know that this is a lot to aim for, but I am confident that it is possible because you are all such awesome people and we’ve come so far already.

I’m also hoping that at some point this year I’m going to get the chance to write guest posts on other blogs, or to have other people guest post on this page. If anyone is interested in writing a guest post or featuring as part of one of my themed months, please contact me via Twitter, the link for which is at the end of this post.

And so, there we go! That’s the end of my first post of 2016. If you have any feedback, you can leave it in the comments or let me know your thoughts via my social media links below. My next post is due out on Wednesday, so keep up to date with me for more information on that and until then, remember to smile, remember to be happy and above all else, remember to keep believing!


