Writing song lyrics

As it says in my Twitter bio, I describe myself as an aspiring writer. Writing makes up a massive part of my life and is something I love doing and have hope to do professionally one day. I write both long and short stories as well as poetry. However, today I’m going to talk about another type of writing I used to do.

Back when I was around fourteen, I began writing my own song lyrics. Despite the fact that I had no music to go with them, I was incredibly proud of this part of my life. I know that at one stage, I had somewhere between twenty and thirty sets of lyrics in folders on my computer and in binders in my bedroom. They were my way of expressing the deep feelings, both positive and negative, that I was going through at the time, but also they were my method of dealing with all of the experiences of that time in my life. Looking back, they probably weren’t the greatest lyrics in the world but at the time, they were the best means of coping with any problems I had.  

Now, seven years on, having grown up and gained a lot more experience of life and the world around me, the concepts behind some of my songs have transformed themselves into different kinds of writing. Some have become short stories, others have turned into poetry and the odd set of lyrics has changed into an idea for a longer story. But the emotions and the stories behind them are what hasn’t changed over time, whereas how I deal with them and write about them definitely has.

It is clear now that this is what has made me into the aspiring writer I describe myself as. My love for words and for writing (oh and music too) were obviously what drove me to put my heart into writing song lyrics and this is what still motivates me when it comes to writing today. I am still spurred on by that same goal of putting all of my feelings down to make them easier to deal with.

Here you have it, I have just shared another very personal aspect of my life with you. Let me know on all of the social media links below whether you did something similar. Did you write song lyrics? Do you want me to share some of mine with you in the future? Also comment down below if you liked this post. By the way, stay tuned for Monday’s post which will be the next in my new series all about colour, colour combinations and all things of that nature so make sure you’ve read the first one all about warm colours before then. So, until Monday, keep reading, keep following and above all, keep believing.


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