
Even though I am such a creative person, I have rarely shown that side to my personality on here. That is why I decided to start this series of posts about colour and the way I think about and use colour in my projects and in my day-to-day life. I hope you like these posts and can take some inspiration from this series. 

This time, I’m looking at white.

I know that there are some of you out there right now who are of the belief that white is in fact not a colour at all. For me, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

In the same way that silence is used as a technique when making music, white is used as a technique when it comes to colour. It is in fact an amazing colour despite the fact that it doesn’t have a spectrum of shades like most other colours seemingly do.

There are so many reasons why white is a good choice in design. It provides a crisp, fresh look to whatever it is being used on and can make things seem clean. Not only that, but it doesn’t overcomplicate a colour scheme and has an amazing ability to be partnered with any other colour without clashing or making another colour difficult to see. Because of this, it is often chosen for the font on banners and logos, just as I have done for the ones on this blog.

In many of my design projects, I like to use white either on lettering or the background when in the design phase because it is such a simple and easy colour to mix with others and I feel like it makes my work simple and not overbearing. It also works if I want an element of light or brightness on whatever the project is and it suddenly becomes just that bit easier on the eye than if I had chosen something else instead.

So, that’s all I have to say on this. What do you think? Is white a good choice in design? Does it add something else or is it just too blank for you? Let me know on all of my social media (links below) or in the comments at the bottom of this post if you have anything to say about white, or if you want me to talk about a certain colour(s) in future posts.

Until Friday, keep reading, keep writing and above all keep believing!


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