
Today’s post is about the changes I am about to make to this blog.

First things first, my schedule is changing. From now on, I will still be posting on Friday but instead of Monday, I will be posting on Sunday. This is to accommodate a new series of posts which I will explain about later in this post. I know you guys will like the changes, especially when I reveal the reason why later on.

What these changes do mean is that my colours series, which I usually post about on Monday, is being put ON HOLD. It will return in the future, so don’t think of it as over by any means and I will let you know when it comes back.

My life updates posts on Fridays will also be different from next week because of the start of my placement year of university. I am planning on using these posts as a way of documenting this experience and of allowing you all in on this incredible journey I am about to embark upon. It is going to be a way of telling you about all of the ups and downs so that I can share my placement with you. At the end, I hope to have a complete record of this next year and somewhere that I can look back over everything that has happened.

 Now to the best news of all. I’ve chosen to do a series of reviews of the new series of Doctor Who which starts tomorrow. Whenever a new series starts, I get so excited about it and now I want to share my thoughts on each episode with you guys and get your reaction to it. I hope this is going to be a brilliant series and I want you all to share my enjoyment each week. I will warn you each week before posting not to read it if you haven’t yet seen the episode to avoid giving away what happens. (Spoilers!)

And that’s all I have to say for this post. I hope you are all excited about the changes I’m making and the new things I’m starting on here. If you want to keep up to date with me and all of the goings on in my life, you can follow me on all of my social media, the links to which are below. Hope you guys enjoy the new series of Doctor Who tomorrow and until Sunday, keep following, keep smiling and above all keep believing!


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