Where have I Been?

Hello everyone! So I guess I’ve got some explaining to do.

The last time I posted on this page was at the beginning of March, and I fully intended to keep up my planned posting schedule at that stage. However, as is the case with anyone in education, work has to come first, and I have had a lot of it to do over the last six weeks, as well as another web page to keep up with.

It has always been my philosophy with this page to never deliver content unless I feel like I have put 100% into it, and that it is the best it can be. During the last month and a half, I felt as though I was unable to do this, with most of my time and effort being put into other things, and so I took time away from this page whilst my mind was elsewhere.

What this does mean is that I have had to cancel the themes for both March and April, however there are some exciting new posts on the way now I can commit to Stay Blogitive once again. I am keeping the theme of Exams for May, and I have decided to try and post every day to make it up to you all for being absent for so long. Hopefully I am going to be able to stick to this!

Thank you all for being patient with me, and if you have stuck with me up to this point. As usual, I am going to leave my social media links at the bottom of this post for you to follow, and you can tell me your thoughts on anything I post about on those or in the comments section. Until next time (which won’t be so long this time) I hope you all keep active, keep smiling, and above all else, keep believing!


