Let's Do Today!

I know the title of this post may seem a bit odd, but please let me explain why I have given it this title.

Every day, I say this quote aloud to myself before I get out of bed in the morning and before I leave to go out anywhere. For me, this is a form of self-motivation and helps a lot in making me get up and be productive throughout the day, rather than just sitting inside or sleeping the day away, something I have been prone to doing in the past.

I guess the point of this post is to highlight the fact that it is important to motivate yourself in whatever way helps you. Whilst this method and this particular phrase works for me, it may not be the case for everyone. Therefore, finding the right method of self-motivation whatever it may be is an important step to making every day more positive and more productive for you (I’ll talk more about other methods of self-motivation in future posts) so that you can live a happier and healthier life.

If quotes are something you find useful, I recommend sticking them up around you using coloured paper, flashcards, postcards or sticky notes. It is also really beneficial to put them in places where you will notice them all the time. Seeing them up and reading them every day, particularly when you’re feeling low, can be a fantastic way of boosting your happiness and self-confidence and can inspire you to do amazing things. If you’re stuck for which ones to use or don’t know where to find them, there are so many sources of quotes on the internet, as well as hundreds of books full of them.

So, this has really helped me and I hope this can be useful to someone else. By all means, let me know via the usual channels; comment section below, Twitter (@TrentBlogs) and Tumblr (trentwilsonblogs) and also keep watching out for future posts. Remember that whoever you are, you are amazing and nobody can take that away from you.


Quote of the day

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there” Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States of America (1858-1919) 
