
Showing posts from August, 2017

New project!

Hello again everyone. Today, I have an exciting new project to tell you about. I have long-held passions for literature, reading, and writing. So, I thought what better way to combine all of these three great loves of mine than to write about literature I have read. Initially, I was just going to write about my favourite books here on Stay Blogitive, but after a lot of thought, I decided to start a new, separate blog specifically for book reviews. Yes, that’s right, I am starting a book review blog! Welcome to Trent’s Book Club! As the name Trent’s Book Club suggests, I hope for this to become more than just a review blog. I want you guys to get involved and give your views on these books/authors as well. I want TBC to be a place where you can read, review, and recommend literature to me/each other and find a whole host of new titles to explore along the way.   I hope you all find some new and exciting literature to explore alo...

22 things I did at 22

On July 30 th , I turned 23. Now I have turned another year older, I want to reflect on all of the things I managed to achieve between my 22 nd and 23 rd birthdays. Here are the 22 things I achieved whilst 22. 1.        Finally accepted my sexuality 2.       Came out online 3.       Went to Birmingham Pride 4.       Went to Student Pride 5.       Met Riyadh Khalaf at Student Pride in London 6.       Got the Pride of the Year award 7.        Got the Member of the Year Award 8.       Got through my final year at university 9.       Went to London 10.    Went to Blackpool 11.     Went to Bournemouth 12.    Went back to Tours (France) 13.    Caught a plane alone fo...