Doctor Who Review: Smile

Hello again everyone, hope you’re all having a positive day! Today’s post is my review of Doctor Who, Series 10, Episode 2, Smile (over a month late!). As usual, I warn you not to read on if you haven’t seen the episode because this post does contain SPOILERS! EMOJI ROBOTS Sinister, creepy, human-killing robots have been a staple of science fiction for decades, and Doctor Who is no exception to this, with the Hosts, the Kindness Robots and the Daleks among others to appear over the years. DW has always seemed to stay away from the conventional sci-fi bad robot concept, which has made for some unique stories throughout the show’s history. However, this episode followed the classic concept of evil robots whilst putting its own stamp on it. The emojibots are creepy machines used to help the human race colonise other planets. They were supposed to be programmed to keep humans happy but instead they kill anyone who isn’t happy and grind them up for f...