B.E.D.A 2018: Day Six
again everyone, and welcome to the 6th part of BEDA 2018.
Frug Friday: I was afraid of dogs
before we got one
now on, Fridays are going to be bit different here on Stay Blogitive! I have decided
to start a new series (This Week wasn’t really working out so I’ve replaced it)
called Frug Friday. I’ll be sharing
the story of my dog (who’s a cross between a Frenchie and a pug), and how my relationship
with both him and other dogs has changed over time.
we even get into my relationship with my own dog, I want to talk about what my
feelings about dogs were before he arrived in my life.
to owning one, I did not like dogs. I hated them. I feared them.
could not walk past a dog or see one without a huge jolt of fear going straight
to my heart. It was this way for as long as I could remember with no apparent
event that triggered it.
dog could come near me without me screaming in terror or running away. I would
cross the street and walk on the other side just to avoid having to go near any
dogs. Just going to a park used to give me anxiety because I was scared that I would
get attacked by a dog, particularly the big aggressive-looking ones.
fear dominated the first twenty-two years of my life and I never thought I would
get over it.
week, I’ll tell you the next part of my frug story – getting a dog and my initial
feelings about him.

always try to remind myself to be productive, even if it is in small ways, and
that this is key to keeping me going through the good times and the bad. The following
are all little examples of how you can be productive.
to someone
a piece of work done – or even a part of it
such as washing, changing your clothes, combing your hair, eating, and making sure
you drink enough water
are so many ways of being productive, and they aren’t all grand, sometimes the
smallest things you manage to achieve can have the biggest impact.
OF 2008
we enter the top 50 of my favourite songs of 2008.
had another song just outside the top 50 and now she has another one to kick it
off. I must admit that when Katy Perry released this song in the summer of
2008, I did not like it straight away. It took a while for me to get into it, which
is why for such a big hit it is sitting quite low on this countdown. Here is
the worldwide smash hit I Kissed A Girl.
some reason, Nickelback get a lot of hate. There seems to be so much contempt
towards them and I have spent years trying to work out why. I am a fan of their
music and if anyone doesn’t like that, well that’s tough. And do you know what
else? They may yet have another entry on this chart somewhere. For now, I give
you Gotta Be Somebody.
Katy Perry
I Kissed A Girl
Gotta Be Somebody
for reading.
next post will be up tomorrow. Until then, remember to keep positive, keep smiling,
and above all, keep believing!
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