What my followers mean to me

Today, I thought it was time I told you all what you mean to me.

When I began my first blog (now privatised) back in September last year, I had a philosophy as to how I would approach it. I told myself that if each post got just one person reading it then it was worth doing. If I had just a few dedicated Twitter followers who took the time to read all of my posts then that would be fine.

Eleven months on, here I am at 75 Twitter followers and almost at 350 pageviews for this blog which I started back in February.

This is so much more than I ever expected and it just makes me feel so amazing that you guys are taking the time to help my blogs grow and develop. So, from the bottom of my heart, I say thank you to all of you. Thank you to every Twitter follower, every reader, everyone who has ever taken the time out to show an interest in what I have to say.

You all mean so much to me, whether this is the first time you’re here or you’re returning. It means the world that I am part of your lives as you are a part of mine, and this is just the beginning. I am only getting started and have so much more to say, so be sure to follow me on all of the links below and stick with me because there is a lot more to come.

As always, social media links are below (including my brand new Facebook page) and once again, thank you for all of your support. Keep with me, keep following and above all keep believing!


“If you can dream it, you can do it.” Walt Disney

Social Media links
