Blogtober: Can Sexuality Change?

Hello again everyone, and welcome back to week 2 of my Blogtober challenge. If you missed any of the posts that have gone up so far, you can catch up on the links down below: 1: Welcome to Blogtober 2: Types of Blog 3: Blog Names 4: Reasons I Blog 5: Planning Blogposts 6: My Favourite Posts 7: Writer’s Block 8: My One Blogging Tip 9: Coming Out to Yourself 10: Coming Out to the World 11: Pride 12: Busting Bisexual Myths For today’s post, I wanted to discuss something which may be controversial. I want to ask a question: Can sexuality change? If somebody asked me this question, I would have no hesitation in answering yes. Before you all get angry, let me explain my reasons for this. Simply based on my own personal experience, I believe that sexuality is a fluid thing which CAN change over time. Until around a year ago, I identified as gay but have since come out as bisexual. We are all evo...