April Favourites

Hello again everyone, and welcome to the last post of April (there have been a lot of them). I thought that seeing as how it’s the end of the month and I haven’t put up a favourites post since January , it was time I wrote one for you all. This is going to be all of the new music, TV shows, and movies I’ve been enjoying lately. DOCTOR WHO If you’re a regular follower of me, you will know that I am a massive fan of Doctor Who and have been wanting a new series for a long time now, so I am over the moon that it is finally back. Although there have now been three episodes, I have at the time of writing finished only the review of episode one, but I am working on the other reviews and they will be up soon for you. Until then, just be glad this television icon is back and enjoy it! And, of course, read the review of episode one! PETER KAY’S CAR SHARE My mum introduced me to this TV series whilst I was back home for Easter and I cannot believe I’ve never watched it bef...