50 great things about the UK

Hello again everyone! So, this past few days has been a whirlwind here in the UK, following the result of the EU referendum, which has caused untold turmoil both here and across Europe. Resignations, uncertainty, and a chain reaction of fallout which has caused a domino effect of massive changes. However, one of the key things I have always tried to stick to with this blog is to make sure it is true to its name, and is a place of positivity. For this reason, I have decided to write a list of 50 great things about the UK to show the world that the outcome of Thursday’s vote, regardless of the result, does not affect the fact that this country has a lot it can be proud of. Doctor Who Being a massive fan, there was no way I wasn’t going to include this! Stephen Hawking Fish & Chips Football When I say football, I mean football, as in what we British people consider to be real football. Some of you are weird and call it soccer, but it is DEFINITELY football...